
Monday, November 30, 2009

New Quilting Fabrics

I'm looking forward to getting stuck into some quilting once the Christmas markets are over this weekend and I get my machine back from being fixed - AGAIN : ( !!!
New quilting fabrics from the Fat Quarter Shop

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Goodbye Jessie Dog

Yesterday we had to make a very tough decision to say goodbye to one of our beloved dogs. She was very sick and there wasn't much that could be done to help her. Jess I rescued from the pound when we were working in the mines in WA a few years ago now (that time before marriage and babies). She was a Red Cloud Kelpie X, a absolutely beautiful girl and she will be very sadly missed by us and her best mate Millie.

Jess as a pup when I first got her

With her best mate Millie on one of or many trips back and forwards across the Nullabour in the ute camped at a random spot when we had, had enough driving for the day
All four of us in the swag in the back of the ute at the Corrigin (WA) Dog in a Ute Muster - it was a very cold night!

Goodbye Jessie girl x

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tweet Tweet!

So I have finally decided to join the Twitter revolution today.
Tweet Tweet!

2009 Advent Blog-a-long

Car is organising a Advent Blog-a-long. Pop on over to her blog and sign up and spread a little Christmas cheer in blog land with a post a day from the 1st December until Christmas Eve!
Click on the button over there ------->>>>>
on the right side toolbar which will take you straight to the signup post on Car's blog.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

EB RR Block Swap - Final Blocks Completed!

I finished off my last 4 blocks for the EB Round Robin Block Swap today. I am looking forward to getting back all my blocks to make a quilt for Miss M's big girl bed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yards and Yards . . .

of gorgeous new fabrics to hopefully get me through to Christmas, lol.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More dresses off to . . . MissChief Maker

Just a peak at another lot of 'Gypsy' dresses heading off to MissChief Maker in Canberra tomorrow. There are 16 in total, all complete with cute matching yoyo button clips
And just a few favourites . . . gorgeous stunning fabrics!

Katie will have these both in store and online so pop on out or visit the online store in the coming weeks.
Its been a very busy past few days of sewing in this household, but I am now all caught up on my wholesale and custom orders and ready to tackle my mountain of market sewing to get done for my two upcoming Christmas markets happening on the first weekend of December. Stay tuned for a big madeit store stocking on the night of the 6th December with some fabulous specials for those doing some last minute Christmas shopping!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sewing Room Makeover!

My sewing room makeover is almost complete. Just some shelving I think is needed, a noticeboard/whiteboard to help me keep track of orders, and prehaps some art of some sort for the walls as it is looking very bare on the walls and white!
Sewing table (this one measures 2 metres long) and has a set at 5 drawers one end. Plenty of room for both machines and I am just using one chair to slide back and forwards between machines.
Photo taken from the double doors into the room. Fabric storage - looking a little bare as I am waiting on a big shipment of new fabrics due any day now! I am also going to shift the books/magazines up on top when I find myself some really heavy bookends.
Snap press corner. And the fabulous wall hanging I just received from Xena in the Dolls Quilt Swap - perfect size! Plus some rolls of laminate fabrics/chalkcloth.

Crafting table. This is a little space to do my fabric button stuff, gift tags, etc. The big container underneath is my scraps tub.

The computer table measures 1.2 metres long and is perfect for the laptop and printer, and then the filing cabinet snuggly tucked away in the corner.
I am really happy with the set up. I have heaps of room behind me sewing and can see the kids in the room across the entrance way playing while I sew. This room is also at the front of the house so plenty of natural light in the mornings when sewing. I did think about getting another high table for cutting out on, but I still really prefer to sit on the floor to cut out (even with a growing baby belly), so am happy to keep doing that.
Furniture run down:
Ikea - sewing table, computer table, storage cube, white sewing chair.
Officeworks - craft table, filing cabinet.
So what do you think? Any suggestions for brightening it up a little?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

EB Dolls Quilt Swap - received!

Look what I received in the post last night from Xena! Wow, I have been spoilt! This little quilt is absolutely stunning and the many hours of work that have gone into it can only be appreciated up close. All those little leaves hand embroided! Thankyou so much Xena - it truly is more than I could have asked for and will take pride of place in my new sewing room on the wall.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

tonight! - the sisters' fair - robinvale

Tonight is the first "sisters' fair" as organised by the girls at Koolaman designs.
It is going to be a lovely night in an old homestead on the banks of the Murray River at Robinvale - fully airconditioned - so please don't be put off by this crazy hot weather that we have been having!
I have some last minute sewing to finish and then need to leave home just after lunch to get down there to set up ready for the start at 5pm. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

EB Dolls Quilt Swap - what I made . . .

It was opening day yesterday for the EB Dolls Quilt Swap for 2009. Here are some more photos of the quilt I completed as part of the swap. I made for Tania, and you can see some pics of the quilt on her blog with one of her girls who is very happy with the little quilt. The two pink fabrics I used were from Lila Tueller's Santorini collection and the rest of the fabrics are from Sanae's Panache collection. The little birdies tails are made using pale pink bridal tulle. I free motion quilted the quilt in two different coloured pink threads, pale pink for the centre piece and a darker brighter pink around the border where the birdies are.

I am yet to receive my quilt, but am looking forward to it and am in no rush as we are away on holiday's still so hope to come home to a lovely package. You can check out some more of the beautiful quilts made in the EB Quilters Flickr group.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

MissChief Maker - Canberra

Since the launch of my new 'Gypsy' dresses last week and the upload of a few designs into my Madeit Shop on Sunday I have been bombarded with wholesale enquiries!
Wonderful, wonderful news for this very busy mummy!
The first of my new stockists who will have a small selection of these gorgeous little dresses in her store from late next week, with more to come in a few weeks time is;
Rodney's Nursery
24 Beltana Road
Pialligo ACT

How gorgeous and inviting does the door to the shop look!

So if you are in Canberra, make sure you pop in and say hello to Katie and check out her gorgeous stock of OOAK new, re-purposed pre-loved and vintage clothing and accessories.

Now this busy mummy is off on a much needed short family holiday (our first in goodness knows how long!), but I'll be back next week with more crafty/sewing/quilting stuff - including a sneak peak at another new design - finally something for the boys! hooray!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

sister's fair - 11th November 2009

Well another market is added to the list before Christmas - this one has been organised by Lisa at Koolaman Designs - who I haven't as yet had the pleasure of meeting but have been eyeing off the girls beautiful work and might have to put in an order myself for hubby for Christmas!
Lisa has organised a special market night for Wednesday 11th November 2009 in Robinvale, Victoria. Now for those that are going - where in the world is Robinvale - check the map link I have added. Basically about an hour and a half from me here in Mildura towards Melbourne. So if you are in that area or know someone that is that may like to pop up for this very exciting night - please let them know!
A small selection of stall holders will have on offer a beautiful array of jewellery, fabrics, lighting, children's clothing, toys, gourmet foods, and more - plus we are all making a plate of some yummy snacks for the night and refreshments will be available.
So where in Robinvale?
at the Robinswood Homestead, Lennon Drive, Robinvale.

It is sure to be a lovely night so pop on out and do a spot of Christmas shopping and have a chat. Hope to see you there!