
Friday, July 9, 2010

Facebook Giveaway Winner

Argh, I can't get that silly random number thingy to copy and paste into the blog, so i'll just have to tell you all that the winner is comment number 23!
Kirsty Owen
Congratulations Anna 400 that is fantastic
Yesterday at 12:22pm
Congrats Kirsty - please email me to claim your prize!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Creative Space

Bookwork is happening in my creative space today. Nothing exciting, but a job that must be done! And Master T is helping me out by 'sending emails' via the eggcarton laptop - complete with mouse of course!And this little man is keeping us all distracted with his smiles and laughs.
Almost 3 months old, where has that time gone!?
For more fabulous creative spaces (where people are actually being crafty!), look over HERE : )