
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

new logo . . .

My business has had a makeover with a new logo. I love it!
Made by the lovely Jules of Little Things Design. Pop on over to her Facebook page and 'like' her business, she does some fantastic work at very reasonable prices.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Photo a Week #6

10 months

Here's to a better week . . .

Basically this past week has been crap. I started the week at the doctors - a chest infection and asthma had me in my pj's for the entire week and I owe my mum big time for all the help she gave me over the last week, as hubby has been away with his work.

And we ended the week with record rain fall - here at home we had over 235mm in a 24 hour period! Over 200 homes in our area have been flooded, small communities cut off from town including our own little haven out of town.
Our street was flooded in two places, with us at the end of our court we weren't going anywhere.
And the water pouring down from the bush behind us had the water lipping at the back door with just a half inch to spare.
My highlight of the week was a gorgeous parcel from Posie from a win on her blog for the QLD flood auction raffle she was running. The book is fabulous and after reading through it I am slightly annoyed at myself for not getting back the paperwork in time to be included as I can see the 3 projects I had pencilled down haven't been shown in the book. Hopefully there is another one! And the fabrics Posie sent with the book, I am already thinking about turning into a fabulous throw quilt for the lounge in the theatre room.

So here's to a better week!