
Thursday, June 25, 2009

100th Post Giveaway!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED - Winners announced above.
Well, technically its only my 6th? post for this blog - and adding up posts from my other two blogs it actually comes to my 102nd post - but oh well, close enough - and who doesn't love a giveaway!

So here is what I have for offer! Your choice of;

#1 - as pictured below, a selection of tillytomdesigns goodies including a set of quilted coasters, a coin purse, some hair clippies plus an Amy Butler bag pattern!


#2 - I will make you for a little princess in your life one of my 'Tilda' skirts in either a size 1-3, 2-4 or 3-5 from fabric from my stash. (If you haven't seen my 'Tilda' skirts before, check out my ETSY shop). I have just made a large order for some new fabric which will be here next week, so if you are the winner I will show you what I have on offer and you choose your fabrics!

So what do you need to do now?
For 1 entry into the giveaway, please just leave me a comment here as well as your choice of #1 or #2 giveaway prize as well as means for me to contact you if you win.
For 2 entries into the giveaway, post about this giveaway on your blog with a link to this post and you will get a second chance to win! (let me know if you have done so when you comment here).
If I get over 100 comments before I draw the winner on the 4th July, then I will give away both prizes - so there will be two lucky winners!
Cheers : )


  1. Oooh, hard to choose, but I think I'd pick #1 - my little miss already has a large skirt collection! Plus something for me would be a nice change too ;)

    Congrats on reaching 100 posts!

  2. Congratulations on reaching 100 posts.

    Definitely #1 for me! I have been thinking about getting that AB bag pattern for a while.

  3. Oh wow! What an awesome giveaway, thank you! I'd love to enter for #1 as I'd really love to win the AB bag pattern.

    I love your Etsy store! (especially the fabrics the skirts are made out of)

    Congrats on the 100 posts!

  4. Yay on 100 posts!!
    I think I would pick #1 too

    I have blogged this giveaway for the extra chance to win :)

  5. Oh Anna, I would love giveaway #1 I would love that bag pattern. I have listed the giveaway on my blog as well!!!

  6. Great giveaway and congrats on 100 posts. Hard to choose but I already have the AB sling pattern so I would love to win one of your Tilda skirts. I have blogged abou your giveaway too :)

  7. Congratulations - great giveaway. I'd love option 1 as I have a little boy so don't need a gorgeous skirt :)

  8. What a generous giveaway! I would choose #1, you have made some beautiful things there that I would love to own :)

  9. What a lovely giveaway. I would choose #1 as I don't have a little girl to wear the skirt yet.

  10. Congratuations on 100 posts!!!
    I think I would have to choose no1 as I have wanted that bag pattern forever

  11. Congrats on all the posts and combining your blogs too Anna.
    I'd love that bag pattern so would definitely love to be in the running for it, to say nothing of gorgeous hair clips for the girls.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Thanks for the giveaway. Always on the look out for lovely clips for Ella, so I would love to win that prize. Thanks again! I have also mentioned your giveaway on my blog!

  13. I nearly missed this one (serve me right for not immediately updating bloglines hey???)

    Count me in ~ sounds like a lovely prize(s)

  14. Oh it would be lovely to have something for myself, I am constantly making stuff for other people and I love that bag design! Congrats on the 100 posts and I have mentioned this in my blog too!

  15. Happy 100 or 102! ha! would love to join in this giveaway and help you blow out the candels so to speak :0
    Ive mentioned your giveaway on my blog and would love to win #1 as my lil miss is spoiled for choice when it comes to clothes!

  16. Happy blogging, no matter what number it is. I'd have to pick number 1 as I do not have any children. I've also blogged about this!

  17. congrats!! love this giveaway and your site! there's always something inspiring to look at. :)

  18. Ohh I am so glad I found your blog just in time I love both but would take #1 very gladly.

  19. I would love love #1....for myself *blush*
    I love little cute things!!!

    Thanks :)

  20. Congrats on 100 posts!! Thanks for the giveaway!! I would love a chance to win #1 please!!

    Thanks, Lou

  21. Congratulations! Thankyou for being so generous. We would love one of your Tilda skirts if we win.

  22. Congratulations on your 100th post! I'd love no.1 if I win please. I recently started blogging and thought that 100 was very far away.. but I'm clocking up the miles quicker than I thought! Allready a third of the way there... Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. lovely prizes! I'd love to win #2 - I could just see my granddaughter in one of those!

    thanks :)

  24. Hi. I just stumbled upon your blog through the dust forums. Well I love the skirts but my girls are just a little too big for them so I'd love prize #1


  25. Oh why not - congratulations on 100 posts - you have done well.

    I would have to say prise #1 as well - something for me would be wonderful!

  26. Blogged about it :) Would love pressie #1 fingers crossed!!

  27. I'd like to enter for #1. Thanks!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  28. Sign me up for #1!

    bhenage at gmail

  29. I really like #1. Ufortunately my girls are too big for #2.

  30. Hello, I think I'd chose #1. I have posted about it on my blog too.

  31. Hello and congrats!

    The skirts are gorgeous but I'd have more use for #1. Lovely.

  32. Congrats on 102 posts. :)

    I'd chose #2. My little girl can never have too many pretty skirts!

  33. Congrats on the 102 posts! I would love the AB bag so my vote is for #1

    Thanks so much!

  34. Those hair clips look so cute! I'd love to win #1 :)

  35. OOoooh I cant decide I would be tickled pink with either prize. But I think the hair clips win me over.

  36. What a lovely giveway! I love #2.

    Congratulations on 100 posts. I've only just found your blog so am looking forward to the next 100.

  37. Oh! I would definitely love the first option. Fingers crossed.

  38. Such a great give-away !
    I'd love to get #1


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )