
Friday, July 10, 2009

EB Bag Swap - look what I got! (and what I made)

A big thankyou goes out to my swap partner Lou for this fantastic bag and wallet she made me as part of the EB Bag Swap. I immediatley recognised the pattern and beautiful Amy Butler fabrics - some favourites of mine! Not only is Lou a great sewer, but you really must check out her blog for her amazing photography!
My swap partner that I made a bag for is offline all weekend so will post some pictures now of what I made her as I know she has received it. I chose a pattern by Anna Maria Horner called the 'Multi Tasker Tote'. When I received the pattern and started cutting out my fabric I was worried, because it really is a BIG bag! But my swap partner requested a big bag for EVERYTHING so hopefully she loves it : ) The fabric I got from Spotlight, the outer is a furnishing weight fabric, with the inner 100% cotton. I added lots of extra pockets for the inside including a zippered pocket and key-chain, for a big bag the pattern only offered one pocket on the inside and I decided it definitely needed more.
I also made a matching zippered purse with wrist strap.

I really like this pattern, was a little hard to understand in parts, probably due to lack of sleep on my part, but have had a few requests from friends to make them one as pressies so am definitely going to be making more of these!


  1. That's a gorgeous bag and wallet Anna! You lucky duck :)
    The Amy Butler fabric really makes the bag doesn't it!


  2. Wow, I love the bag and wallet - they both look fantastic! Amy Butler fabric is just gorgeous.

  3. Nice bag and love the wallet that comes with it - BONUS!

    I like the bag you sent your swap partner too, the zippered purse was a lovely touch, and you are right, when a bag is bigger, extra pockets are a must!

    Thanks for organising such a great swap!

  4. What fantastic bags! I really love that yellow and green fabric you bought from Spotlight, where are all these great fabrics when I go there??

    I've just blogged the giveaway goodies you sent me, thanks so much for them, they are all fabulous :)

  5. gorgeous bags, sent and recieved.

    thankyou once again for organising the swap xxxxx

  6. They are gorgeous bags.
    Thanks so much for organising the swap.

  7. thank you so much Anna, I love the bag you made for me. It is a great size! I've been putting it to good use since opening day :) And the little purse is great - I can fit my wallet, phone and lip gloss in there! Sorry I haven't blogged it yet, having blogger issues...


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )