
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blog Award!

Melinda over at HereWeGoLoopyLou has passed on this lovely blog award to me. Melinda recently featured me on her blog for the Monday Mention and makes the most beautiful fabric cards and other accessories for her Etsy and Madeit Stores.

To accept this award, I have to tell you 7 things about myself and pass it on to however many lovely bloggers I want to!


1. I was born in a VERY small country town in South-West Victoria were we owned a sheep and cattle property. I've had my share of living in the city but I am a country girl at heart and will always be!
2. I used to work in the gold mines in Kalgoorlie, WA as a heavy machine operator before I got pregnant with Master T. I drove those great big 120 tonne dump trucks carting gold, as well as operating loaders, water tankers and graders!
3. I have a sweet tooth and much eat some form or chocolate or lolly every day! lol
4. I would love to travel overseas, but I am afraid to fly! Maybe one day when hubby and I are old and grey - I would love to travel through Europe, just as a start!
5. I hate buying new clothes and rarely ever do. I do a LOT of internet shopping or my mum buys me the occassional top! I live in my jeans and boots most days (and of course something on top)!
6. I would love to have another baby but that subject is still under negotiation with hubby ; )
7. My husband and I (sort of) eloped when we got married. Flew both sets of parents to the location and told them the day before they were here for a wedding and that we were expecting a baby - nothing like a shock for them all!

Now to pass this award on to some blogs I love to stop by;
1. Becky - - sewing, quilting, more.
2. Leah - - vintage chenille gorgeousness.
3. Lisa - - sewing, a little quilting, wall buttons, more.
4. Esther - - beautiful quilts.
5. Amy - - sewing and nappy making mama - weepantz!
If you want to play along you do this (remember, only if you want to)
: Post the logo of this blog love token: Thank and link to the person who passed it on to you
: List seven things about you
: Pass the token on to other bloggers (and leave comments on their blogs to let them know they have been loved).

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