
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Its been quiet . . .

too quiet really here on the blog!
I have been so busy the last few weeks, LOTS has been happening and life seems to just be flying by. I have seriously neglected my EB sewing / quilting buddies - sorry girls, I'll be back online next week again I promise! I have been busy busy sewing and quilting away making up as much as I can for the 2 day Show this weekend I am having a stand at. I can't wait to get out there Friday and get set up. Only have a few more skirts to finish off and a couple of quilts to bind for that.
We have also had some fantastic news this week with the sale of my other business - very exciting and wonderful - this means I can hopefully get sewing/quilting LOTS more - especially in order to full-fill a few wholesale orders that are coming in . . . more on that next week!
Have to leave it there, but will post later in the week with some pics of all my goodies I am taking to the show!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on the sale of your other business Anna, happy sewing and quilting!


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