
Monday, August 31, 2009

A Successful Weekend!

Here's some photos of my stand from the weekend. I had a corner spot in a big marquee - at first I wasn't real happy with being stuck in the corner, but found that I didn't have anyone next to me so took full advantage of that and took up two spots! It was good to really spread myself out as a lot of my customers had prams and it became quite congested at times! lol All in all a very successful weekend with lots of returning customers and quite a few new ones. I sold nearly ALL my dresses - quite amazed really considering the weather on the first day was shocking and the second day was good in the morning only before it got cold and glumy again in the afternoon. Sorry about the photos being a bit dark, thankfully I had a window spot, otherwise I would have needed some lights around my stand.

Thankyou everyone for all the lovely comments you are leaving. Now that I have sold my other business I am hoping to get this little business going to continue to be able to be a WAHM.
I am supposed to have another market this Sunday but may need to cancel that as I have a wholesale order to get done this week for a little boutique in Brisbane - more on that when I am finished sewing for them and have their order in the post! Very exciting!


  1. Hearty congratulations on a successful show, and your stall looked stunning!

  2. Well done! Your stand looks wonderful :)

  3. Well done Anna - the stand looks great!

  4. You should be so proud of your stall, its' so vibrant and colourful full of your beautiful creations, that it would be hard not to be drawn in to ooh and aahh (and hopefully buy!) ... Brilliant!

  5. Congratulations! It all looks so fabulous :)

  6. It all looks fantastic Anna, well done and congrats on all of the sales!

  7. Your stand looks fantastic Anna! You must have been sewing night & day.


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )