
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #1 ~ A Raggy Start

Welcome to day one of the Blogtoberfest! I am very excited to be a part of the celebrations and hope that you continue to follow me each day with new and exciting projects and happenings here at Sew!Busy!Mama!
This little raggy quilt I made yesterday afternoon with the help of my two very best little helpers, Master T and Miss M, who love to sit on mummy's lap at the sewing machine - which does get a little awkward at times, lol

Anyway, this is my first go at making a raggy quilt and I am very happy with the result. I find it so hard to find great boyish fabrics and these ones are just fabulous - the colours so bright and happy. Mixed with a dark blue flannelette backing this is going to make a lovely present.
Til tomorrow - don't forget to enter my giveaway below. I am still working on the prize but will reveal bits and pieces of that over the next few weeks : )


  1. That's come up a treat!...I have been wanting to make a shaggy quilt for a while, however I just need to collect more fabrics, and I have to ask myself why is this a problem!? (lol)

  2. wow, that's gorgeous, and you're so lucky to have some help too!

  3. hiya, I am too in the blogfest and just pop by to say hi,love your blog,.love from Glenda

  4. Nice job on the quilt - I made one a few weeks ago and was really pleased with it - so nice and warm...U can see it here

  5. Anna it looks great, well done

  6. That's a pretty fabulous first go at a raggy quilt!!! I do agree that it is very difficult to find good colours for boys in fabric- and in clothes too I think.

  7. I haven't tried a raggy quilt yet, but these look like fun.


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )