
Monday, October 12, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #11 & 12 ~ List takers & a snappy start

I missed a day yesterday, whoops. Quite a few times I sat at the computer and clicked into my blog but couldn't really think of anything crafty to write about, so instead went for a drive to Spotlight while hubby watched the kids to see if I could find a bargain.
I picked up some pretty quilters cottons and cotton drill fabrics on sale plus some calico to make a start on a new project. I have been wanting to make some little list takers for my market stall but have been having trouble finding the size lists I actually want. Finally found them yesterday, some long skinny ones.

Anyway, here's is what I came up with yesterday, a very rough first go, but a handy little wallet to have in your bag with a list pad, pen and pocket for receipts/cards.
I also used my new snap press for the first time, what a fantastic invention!
Hopefully these little wallets are a hit at the next few markets!
Don't forget to enter my giveaways I have going at the moment here and here : )


  1. Hehe, is that a spotlight card I see? I have been to that store sooo many times lately. They must be sick of seeing me. Nice wallet!

  2. Fantastic idea - would keep your handbag so much more organised! love the fabrics you have used for this one, its gorgeous!

    Nic xxx


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )