
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #18 ~ In the Vegie Patch

Our vegie patch is going quite well at the moment
(although could do with a soil top up and some new mulch).
The lettuce has gone crazy, and we can't seem to eat it faster than what it is growing! Mum's chooks are doing quite well with the extra fresh lettuce in exchange for eggs : )

Peas which are probably almost ready to be picked!

And the potatoes are also doing quite nicely and we are going to have a bumper crop of potatoes shortly (this is just one section of potatoes).

My wander about the local markets today was fun with mum. We stopped by a couple of antique shops (although the favourite one was closed due to a family bereavement and wont reopen til early November). I picked up some old Golden books, homemade lamingtons and jelly cakes - who could resist!, and some fresh mandarins which the kids love!
One of the antique shops has around 10 - 15 old singer sewing machines in store, a huge variety from the old hand wheel sort to the plug in wall variety both with and without beautiful old cabinets. Very tempting . . .

1 comment:

  1. I have been in the Veggie garden today as well. My chooks love the silverbeet.


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