
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Advent Blog-a-long Day #1 - The Replacements

I had a shocker of a week last week, and to top it off with just a week to go (or less than a week now!) until Christmas markets this weekend, my sewing machine decided that it would like to just sew by itself - cruise control if you like. Well, lovely of it to offer, but not thanks, especially when trying to thread the needle! I only had this foot controller problem fixed about 6 weeks ago, and now it is doing it again. Not happy : ( Especially as my machine is only just over 12 months old and now out of warranty, how convenient ; ) So I have a couple of replacements I am using this week while waiting for parts to fix my machine.

My best friend's mum has lent me her machine, a very old Janome, which works lovely, as long as I remember to hold the threads every time I start sewing

And mum has lent me her machine. She got this little Bernina for her 21st birthday - so its OLD! lol But again, works like a dream, just that the bobbin winder function doesn't work. Other than that, the service guy that mum uses did some fiddling with the motor and sort of upgraded it, so now it goes REALLY fast! Faster than my overlocker, so I need to be very careful with my foot pressure!

And my naughty machine sitting in the corner waiting for parts : (


  1. Arrgh! Naughty machine!
    Was it still under warranty when they fixed it 6 weeks ago? If so, they should still fix it for you as they obviously didn't get it right the first time!
    Hope you manage to get ready for your market without any more stresses

  2. THankfully you were able to borrow amachine to get you through. ALl the best with the markets.

    Nic xxx

  3. Happy sewing Anna! While we were in Melbourne over the weekend lots of people commented on Grace's little Tillytom dress!


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )