
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Advent Blog-a-long Day #16 - New Labels

These new labels FINALLY arrived in the post today. Talk about a stuff up, unfortunately I wont be using that company again to make my labels. First lot went missing so i had to wait another 2 weeks for more. Argh, anyway, now that they are here I am not really sure I like them. Its just that the background is suppose to be white but because of the pink text the hot pink thread on the back of the label shows through quite a lot and they are more pale pink. Oh well, they will still get used.
I seem to be failing on the blog a day posting for Christmas, but its busy times here and we are heading off for a quick trip to Adelaide tomorrow for Master T to have a small operation, not much fun the week before Christmas but he should be back to his happy self by the time the big fat man in the red suit is due to arrive next week! Where has the year gone!


  1. Hey anna... they look cool. What a pain that you were stuffed around! Have you tried bags and tags?

  2. Hope everything went well yesterday!
    Nic xxx
    PS Ive awarded you a Creative Blogger award (see my blog)


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )