
Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent Blog-a-long Day #7 - Christmas Memories & a Giveaway!

This is a pic from Master T's first Christmas when he was 8 months old. It is amazing how they change and grow, he was such a chubby bubby and now he is built like his dad, long and lean.
I'm looking forward to another wonderful Christmas this year with family and friends popping over for drinks and food. We are having a big Christmas lunch with all our family plus a couple of my grandma's friends are joining us who don't have any family to celebrate with this year.
We are celebrating with a non-traditional bbq lunch this year, and outside if the weather doesn't decide to be 45 degrees as it has been some years in the past on Christmas Day!
So to celebrate Christmas I have decided to giveaway a $20 voucher to my SHOP (valid to spend between the 11th & 24th December 2009) - just leave a comment here about what you are most looking forward to this Christmas and I will draw a winner on Friday 11th December.


  1. Gorgeous pic of your bubba (who's now a real boy)! I'm not feeling very Christmassy this year so I think at the moment I'm looking forward to Boxing Day. Normally I love it but this year I can't be bothered - I reckon I'll enjoy the discover of Santa presents and the silly ritual we have of putting out a carrot for the reindeer and then DH and I taking a big bite out of the carrot and leaving carroty crumbs all over the deck (which is where Santa lands since we have no chimney). I'm sure it'll be great once I know that I'm organised and can enjoy the time!

  2. I am most looking forward to spending 3 days with my parents, sisters, their families and my husband and children all together at my Mom and Dad's after we all go to church together on Christmas Eve. Three days of the whole family together is just wonderful!


  3. Most looking forward to the look on Miss K's face when she discovers the presents from Santa - this will be her first year she really 'gets it'

  4. I most looking forward to be with my family and exchange gifts. It'll be great!


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )