
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Turning 2

Today Miss M turns 2 - where in the world have those 2 years gone. Thanks to Daddy's super fast driving skills and a couple of red lights later, mummy landed at the doors of the Hospital with just minutes to spare 2 years ago on this day! While Daddy parked the car you just couldn't wait and as he walked through the delivery suite doors out you came in one fast push! A crazy 55 minutes that was! Yes, in under a hour this little girl decided to wake mummy up with waters breaking and less than an hour later she was in my arms. I have been warned that with baby #3 prehaps I should camp out a little closer to hospital, hmmm . . .
Just a few hours old

Daddy's little girl

Those eyes with the mile long lashes.

Bathtime fun with your big brother

Christmas 2009 - Daddy's little helpers

Growing up too fast! Happy birthday gorgeous girl!


  1. Happy Birthday to your gorgeous little Miss!

    Nic xxx

  2. Happy Bithday Tilly!

    WOW if I were you I'd book a room at the hospital LOL

  3. Naaaaaaaaaaaw! Happy birthday!

  4. Oh adorable!! Happy Birthday!!
    My 4 were late, even my twins would have stayed in there if i wasn't induced, no one in any hurry!! Have to say, last delivery was quicker, but my first one took 3 days & 3 inductions, twins over a day, so with those statistics, surely the last one had to be faster.
    I would have a good back up plan - a friend of mine just had her 4th 3 minutes short of the hospital in front of her 3 bigger ones in their brand new family car!! It happens!! Love Posie


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