
Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Creative Space

Its a busy day today!
New fabrics and other crafty goodness arriving from the US

Sewing has begun on that mountain load of dresses to make

A wholesale order of dresses and crayon rolls to a new store I am supplying too is getting packed up

And more dresses are getting cut out ready to be sewn for Mathilda's in 3 weeks time
Argh, just 3 weeks left to get ready - I need more time!
Check out lots of other crafty creative lovelies HERE!


  1. You're right in the throws of it and look like you have everything under control! Good luck getting ready for the market. I'm hoping my order from the US will arrive today and inspire me. Cathy x

  2. Oh me too, swamped under dress fabrics, but so much fun, trying new things & styles, getting ready for Winter. Love Posie

  3. Lots of lovely fabric! Good luck with getting it all done xo

  4. how exciting wil it be to see all that come together at the market - it looks like an inspiring creative space atm!

    Nic xxx

  5. Holy moly - that looks a heck of a lot of 'organised'! Well done you!

  6. Hooray for fabric deliveries! I am waiting for a little order from the US too, hopefully it gets here soon! It's hard to be patient though.

  7. YUM!!!!

    All. So. Pretty!

    So. Very. Jealous!

  8. Lovely lot of fabric. I am sure you will have a great time working through it all.

  9. erm, how much fabric envy do I have?! I *love* that owl print especially! Good luck with all the work!

  10. Busy girl! Looks like a great bach of incoming and outgoing goodies!


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