
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1 Week

Thankyou everyone for your wonderful kind and gorgeous comments about the arrival of little Nate. One week old today and the little man is thriving. A fantastic feeder and sleeper, he is content and happy and an absolute joy.

Big brother Tom and big sister Matilda are loving the cuddles and kisses with their new little brother.

On the crafty front, a little cutting out has been done, and I hope to be back to sewing today : )


  1. Congratulations, he's very handsome and cuddily looking! They're all beautiful kids. Look after yourself and take it easy on the sewing for a while. Cathy x

  2. Oh gorgeous, sorry i was off line for 5 days & missed the big news, congratulations!! Will Nate have his own label too?? Enjoy your growing family, love Posie

  3. Wow he is just gorgeous Anna. I bet he smells good enough to eat... *wub wub wub*

  4. He's beautiful! Congratulations to you all.

  5. he is beautiful
    i wish you all to have good, easy and fun times together

    congrats again!

  6. congratulations and wellcome to Nate, enjoy your new addition Anna, he is beautiful x


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )