
Saturday, August 21, 2010

EB Kids Clothes Swap 2010 - sneak peaks

I am taking part in the EB Kids Clothes Swap again this year. Basically you make an outfit for one person's little one and in return somebody else will make an outfit for your little one. I volunteered both Master T and Miss M this year so in return I have to make two seperate outfits for two different children.
The first outfit is cut out and started for a little boy and just needs some little extras to go with it. Sneak peak of that to come shortly.
The second outfit is I think going to be a big task, as its a pattern I have had in my stash for quite a while now which until now I had looked at and told myself, too hard, don't have time. But now, even though time is not a lot I have of these day, I am going to tackle it and bought the fabrics for just the bottom part of it today;
I hope to make a start on this one on Monday : )

More sneak peaks to come.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! I love the babushka fabric! such a pretty colour!


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