
Friday, October 1, 2010

Blogtoberfest Day #1 ~ Distraction

I was busy sewing away at my machine while 3 little ones slept, only to be interupted by the littlest man who didn't seem to get mummy's memo about needing to finish off some sewing for tomorrow's market. He seems to have turned into a bit of a cap-napper during the day, but its pretty hard to be mad at this face. Luckily he is happy enough in his rocker while I continue to sew, but he is quite distracting with his cheeky big smiles!

For more Blogtoberfest fun head on over to visit tinniegirl's blog : )


  1. Those are some amazing dimples that he has goin on there! I just LOVE his big, excited smile, he must love to watch you!

    Happy Blogtober :)

  2. That is so cute, how could you not be distracted by that cheeky smile1

    nic xxx


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )