
Monday, October 11, 2010

Blogtoberfest Day#11 ~ Scraps Tub

A job I can't put off any longer. Its overflowing onto the floor now, so today I am cleaning out and sorting through my scraps tub. For more blogtoberfest fun - go here : )
ETA -Scraps tub all sorted. I tend to sort through to the biggest pieces and cut off all the danglely bits and keep the pieces that are usable for small projects, purses, bunting flags, appliques, etc. and then just chuck the rest. I also sort into boy fabrics and girls fabrics. About 2/3 of the way through I ditched what was still in the tub without looking! All scraps now sorted and getting posted off to a few people. Jennifer - will keep some aside at the next clean out for you : )


  1. Oh I love other people's scrap tubs! Are you going to share photos of the after? How do you sort your scraps - do you cut them into certain sizes, do you sort them by colour? I'm intrigued because I have a small scrap tub but am not sure how other people keep on top of the scraps!

    Hope you and your little family are all well.

  2. Ooooh scrap envy. Happy to take some off your hands if you want to get rid of some.

  3. I also put everything aside, small pieces and so on. On my blog is a giveaway..

  4. I have a tub twice this size, plus 4 green bags... that was after the sort... I sort mine too, girls and boys fabrics as well as into fabric type, so fleece, denim, etc and scrap size... can you tell I am an organisation junkie?


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )