
Friday, November 5, 2010

EB DQS 2010 Opening Day - what I received!

Today is opening day for the Annual EB Dolls Quilt Swap. My partner is yet to receive her parcel, it should be there today - grrr. . . . to Australia Post, why send something express when it doesn't arrive the next day like it is suppose to!?!?
Lucky us had our parcel arrive earlier in the week and with opening day today I was quick to open the parcel for Matilda - as I had requested a wall hanging for her room.
And haven't we been spoilt! This gorgeous quilt was made by Carmel - and we are in LOVE with the gorgeous detail and work she has put in to this little quilt.
Thankyou Carmel, we LOVE IT!


  1. It is just gorgeous Anna!

    Nic xxx

  2. Ohmy, aren't you a lucky duck! What a cute quilt!

  3. Oh lucky you! That is just beautiful! It will look perfect up on the wall.

  4. That is so gorgeous - what beautiful workmanship!

  5. isnt it beautiful :) I couldnt wait to see what carmel had been working on, as I have been reading all the sneak peeks in her blog! It looks great :)

  6. WOW just check out that quilting around the tree and birds for the leaves, very very nice!


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )