
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

{eb dolls quilt swap 2011} what I sent . . .

Yesterday Helen opened her package I sent her for the dolls quilt swap this year, and thankfully she loves it : )
I was really stuck as to what to make for Helen, as she is certainly an accomplished quilter and make some gorgeous quilts!
But I went with something different to challenge myself, tiny 1 inch squares and swirly quilting.
Its not perfect, but certainly very fresh and crisp and colourful!


  1. Its a great little quilt Anna, very Helen in style and I love how the qyuilting gives it a wonky type effect (maybe wonky is the wrong word to use, almost 3D effect) either way it is s cool!

  2. great job and i really like the quilt

  3. beautiful quilt Anna, well done, good to see you are still getting some 'pleasure' sewing in amongst all the work sewing.

  4. I love the fabrics you have used to make your teeny tiney squares. very nice quilt :)


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