
Saturday, January 7, 2012

{sewing room} time to clean!

Its that job seems to get put off each week until it becomes unbearable to work in, then I do a half hearted clean up to keep me going, but it alway seems to end up like this;
So, time for a change. I moved tables, created space and now I am happy. With some empty shelves ready for the 65 metres of winter fabrics that are on the way!


  1. Looks fantastic! My credit card ran screaming just looking at all those delightful racks of clothes ;) But oh my, look at all that space for fabric! 65m...sounds brilliant.

  2. I want your space Anna! Love it.

    And we have the same sewing chair :)

  3. I love your sewing room Anna.......which reminds me I need to do a cull and clean up of mine. It's a bit hard when I keep buying more fabric.

    xx Ann

  4. i bet it took a while but its so rewarding when its all tidied up isn't it :)

  5. Well done Anna! It must be the time for it, as I blitzed my sewing room through the week. If you'd like to have a look I put a couple of photos on my facebook page: Kitty's Creations. I've been busy making up patterns for new Kity's Creations products. All I need now is the fabrics, wanna swap! Lol! Enjoy your beautiful sewing space :)

  6. What a great space to have! My sewing room always seems to get messy very quickly, it's good when I finally get stuck in and give it a good clear out!


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