
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

{back again . . .}

Seriously having trouble finding the time to be a mum, work from home, and do all that boring stuff like housework in between! Not to mention finding time to blog! So, here is yet another attempt at getting back to blogging. I have been up to lots! Just no time to sit at the computer and write posts, upload photos, etc....

So what's been happening since my last blog post in January . . . really? that long ago?!

The Cubby House/Fort was finished = 3 very happy and busy little people!

Winter Collection 2012 was released = very busy mama on the sewing machine!

Road-tripping to markets around the country side (here's my stall at the Square Handmade Market in Bendigo in March) = busy mama lucky to have super hubby to stay home with the little people!

New sewing machine = VERY HAPPY SEWING MAMA HERE!!!

Finding more time for quilting = happy sewing mama : )

Finding more time for other sewing projects = again happy sewing mama : )

I'll be attempting to blog more often, so stay tuned for some new projects in the pipeline that I have to share with you, some giveaways I'm a part of that you will have the chance to enter to win something, and the ramblings of this busy sewing mama x

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous cushions Anna - and your cubby/fort is amazing.
    Bernina envy happening here - looks lovely.


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )