Friday, June 26, 2009
Pay It Forward
Sneak Peaks!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
100th Post Giveaway!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A Start to Summer Sewing . . .

Next up will be some shorts for Master T. Actual shorts that sit above the knee - not like the ones in the shops that may as well be pants they seem to make them so long. And some applique or freezer stencilled t-shirts.
Monday, June 22, 2009
A 'Sweet' little quilt

Free shipping . . .
Sunday, June 21, 2009
An O+S Pattern giveaway!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
WIP Wednesday . . . on Saturday ; )

A sneak peak at the material I have picked out to use for the EB Bag Swap that is currently happening. The fabric on the left is for the outer and is a mid-weight furnishing type fabric which I hope will turn out lovely for the bag outer. I really need to get started on this - only 3 weeks left til opening day!

And a new quilt in progress. The three panels of strips already sewn together are stacked coins, with a creamy coloured homespun for the sashing and the green/orange/purple fabric for the backing. The binding I was going to use before I bought the backing is pink so may need to use something else now as I am not sure if this will go or clash with the backing.
And finally a pic of our little kiddies - it is so impossible to get a pic of them together! Miss M is always the frowner!