
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday Weekly Woundup

Or is that Round up? We had a busy weekend outside cleaning up, with the boys doing a spot of lawnmowing to try and keep the winter grass at bay.

I got busy in the kitchen and whipped up one of these salads to take some photos of - sorry can't share the recipe yet - you'll have to wait for a new recipezine due to come out very shortly - stayed tuned for that!

We also had a horrible storm come through that catapulted our trampoline almost through the sliding doors at the back of our house. It was very scary with a huge dust storm turning the sky almost black for a few minutes. I had to get hubby to come home and help me move it out of the way of the doors, some minor damage to the veranda and guttering and a very poor looking trampoline and now sitting outside the doors waiting for hubby to get a chance to assess the damage and see if it is fixable.And a little bit of crafing whipping up some more hair pretties to build up my market stash. I have a market this Sunday and being the school holidays I am hoping it is busy with lots of tourists.

1 comment:

  1. I had to make a chocolate slice just for a photo too! I hope that you can fix your trampoline!


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