
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Giveaway Winners!

Well, I tried to use that random number generator thingy and couldn't work it out so just put everyone's names into a hat (twice for those who had also mentioned my giveaway on their blogs) and the winner picked is;

littleecofootprints said...
What a lovely giveway! I love #2. Congratulations on 100 posts. I've only just found your blog so am looking forward to the next 100.
July 3, 2009 5:38 AM

So finding that my winner had chosen number #2 as her prize I pondered as to what I was now going to do with prize #1 which is already wrapped and ready to post - and decided to draw another winner and hope that they had chosen #1. That winner is;

Louise said...
What a generous giveaway! I would choose #1, you have made some beautiful things there that I would love to own :)
June 25, 2009 1:03 AM

Congrats to you both. I will contact you both shortly to arrange where to post your prizes!
Thankyou everyone for stopping by and visiting - please do come again soon!


  1. Thankyou so much, I am so lucky!!!

  2. Thanks again Anna! I'm so excited and cannot wait to see my daughter in her Tilda skirt.


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )