
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #31 ~ And the winner is . . .

Giveaway Winner Announcement Time!
Using the Random Number Generator thingy, the winner is comment number 36!
True Random Number Generator
Min: 1 Max: 73
Result: 36
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Congratulations to;
bubbachenille said...
ooooooh I love surprises !
October 8, 2009 8:47 AM
The winner has he choice between the pile of loot I put together and showed off in this post here OR one of my Tilda dresses as listed in my madeit shop. Please contact me via email (addy over there on the sidebar) with your choice and details : )
Thankyou everyone who stopped by and visited me during Blogtoberfest.
I have lots of new followers and readers and hope that you all continue to pop in now and again and see what craftyness I am up too. I can't wait for October next year!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #30 ~ Busy Mess

I am busy trying to get lots of sewing done of my new dress design for Sunday's market amongst other bits and pieces . . .

. . . and Miss M is busy making a mess behind me while I sit at the machine. I've lost track of how many times she has emptied my bin of scraps and threads so I've stopped picking it all up off the floor, it can stay there for now.
Last day of Blogtoberfest tomorrow - the draw for my giveaway will happen sometime during the day : )

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #29 ~ Recipe: Pizza Pinwheels

The kids and I did some cooking today and made some Pizza Pinwheels. These are a great little snack and they also freeze well : )
Pizza Pinwheels
(makes approx. 20)
2 x Puff Pastry sheets
Tomato Paste
Shredded Ham
Grated Cheese
What to do:
Lay your thawed puff pastry sheets on the bench and spread your tomato paste across the entire sheet (like making a pizza). Sprinkle with oregano, ham and cheese and slowly roll up your sheet into a long roll. Pinch the end to the to to stop it unrolling. Glaze with a little egg if desired. Slice up your roll into approx. 1 - 2 cm slices. Lay flat on a prepared baking tray and bake in a mod-hot oven for approx 10 - 20 minutes depending on your oven. Cool on a wire rack and serve up. A great appetizer for summer bbq's!
Keep an eye on them in the oven and don't get distracted like I did playing with the kids - mine were in for a few minutes too long . . .
You can of course put whatever you like in your pinwheels. Some pineapple, fresh diced tomato, mushrooms, whatever your like on a pizza.
Blogtoberfest is nearly over! Don't forget to enter my giveaway from way back at the start of the month (last post of September I think) and I'll be drawing a winner some time on the last day of the month : )

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #28 ~ New design sneak peaks

Here are some sneak peaks at my new summer dress design - available at the markets this Sunday and online from early next week in my madeit shop.

Feauturing my usual trim feature that I use on all my skirts and dresses

And some super cute puffy sleeves for a gypsy style dress

Stop by the shop next week for full pictures : )

I have also been working on a collection for Winter next year and so far have 6 designs in the making (only one of which is for boys). I really need to come up with some more boy items I think. Now I am on the hunt for some super cute cords . . . does the fabric addiction ever end, lol.

And I also have another extra giveaway happening on my facebook page just for fans . . .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

24 yards

A load of fabric and the latest Ottobre magazine arrived in the post today - yay!

A selection of pretty fabrics from Fabric Supplies

And this lots including some great boy prints from Fabric Worm

All washed and flapping on the line waiting to be cut into.
But it just doesn't seem like enough - surely I need more . . .

Blogtoberfest Day #27 ~ Giveaway prizes

Here's a peak of what I will be offering the winner of my Blogtoberfest giveway. A selection of magazines, some gorgeous Joel Dewberry fabrics, bag handles, quilt and sewing pattern, some haby items and some tillytom goodies. I'll probably throw in some more extras as I go through my haby and fabric stash this week. Alternatively if the winner would prefer one of my 'Tilda' dresses they may choose one dress instead of this prize pack : )

Winner announced last day of the month - see previous post for link to enter!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #26 ~ Just because . . .

. . . it is such a rare opportunity to get a good photo of the two kids together, this was Master T and Miss M playing outside yesterday is the terrible windy weather we had while we did some gardening.

I'll announce the prizes I have on offer for my giveaway tomorrow -
don't forget to enter, winner drawn last day of the month!
Enter HERE!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Capri pants for Miss M

While the kids were napping today I whipped up these cute little capri pants for Miss M with the leftover fabric from my Dolls Quilt backing material. The pattern actually says these are shorts, but definitely more like little capri's with a super cute little ruffle around the bottom.
The pattern is Burda 9645.
I plan to make the little short sleeve top from this pattern too, its also very cute : )

Blogtoberfest Day #25 ~ EB DQS Final Sneak Peaks

Final sneak peaks of the Dolls Quilt that I have completed as part of the EB Dolls Quilt Swap for 2009. It is going to be very hard to part with this quilt, I really pushed myself with learning some new quilting techniques with this little quilt and just hope my partner loves it as much as I do : ) I am looking forward to seeing what someone as made for me, I am sure I will love whatever I receive!

Label on the back of the quilt - I have blocked out who it is for as its a secret until opening day on the 7th November! This is the first time I have done a label for a quilt so hopefully I have got it right - just needs stitching down.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #24 ~ Another for the ready to bind pile

This is the little cot size quilt from earlier in the week that I was putting together made with jelly roll strips. I FMQ'd this one yesterday and now it is in the ready to bind pile.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #23 ~ Madeit Five Friday Favourites

Here's my five friday favourites from Madeit -
some fabulous ways to dress up your walls!
Don't forget to check out there fabulous new blog -
with some fantastic Christmas Gift Ideas!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #22 ~ A quilt in a day

Here is a quilt I started and finished yesterday for my friends little baby boy that was born on Monday night. When I put the kids to bed at lunchtime I cut out some random sized strips of fabric, put them together to form two quilt tops (this is a double sided quilt) of about cot quilt size, pressed, sandwiched and began the quilting. My very first attempt at quilting straight lines - I usually just FMQ all my quilts. My straight lines started off well in the middle but as I got to the edges it was obvious i hadn't squared up my fabrics so the lines are a little wonky there but oh well, its handmade with love : )
The better - not so wonky side

Close up of quilting & some of the fabrics used

The wonky side - definitely a lesson learnt in squaring up fabrics BEFORE piecing together

I finshed off the quilting between hubby getting home and the kids going to bed and then sat down in front of the tv to handstitch the binding down after dinner. It just needs a label before giving to little baby Jaxon.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #21 ~ Hooray, I won something!

I am excited because I have seriously never won anything. Hubby however continues to win division 5 in tattslotto every time he gets a ticket, one day we can only hope it will be division 1.
Anyway, this gorgeous little package I won from Bec over at little wise owl in her recent blog giveway. A cute little covered diary for next year, perfect size for my handbag and a super cute little brooch. Check out Bec's madeit shop for more of her fabulous crafty creations. Thanks Bec!
On the quilting front I managed to put together the quilt top from my post yesterday and did a quick trip into town today to pick up some backing and binding fabrics. Hoping to get this one sandwiched and quilted maybe tonight.
A close friend of ours also had a baby boy last night - hooray! So I am also busy whipping up another quilt for her - I am not very organised am I! I had a dream Sunday night she was having a boy and now 4 days overdue little Jaxon has finally arrived.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #20 ~ Inspiration for a new quilt

I was recently blog surfing and came across a beautiful quilt Ingrid of Lottielulu recently received for her new baby Kitty.

So I found half a jellyroll from the 'Sweet' by Urban Chicks collection in my stash and with a few extra strips of fabric from the same collection added in to get the length I wanted I am going to make one too (the strips in the photo are folded in half). The finished quilt will measure approx 110cm x 120cm so a good size for a cot quilt. I'm hoping I can get this top put together tonight when the little ones go to bed, and then find some suitable backing fabric when I go into town later in the week.

Sorry for my terrible photography - we are in need of a new camera, maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas . . . pretty pretty please : )

Monday, October 19, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #19 ~ Weekend Sewing

Over the weekend I attacked a few small sewing projects.
Some more list takers for upcoming markets;

A pair of shorts for Master T (they still need hemming)

And here's some sneak peaks at my next two RR blocks for the EB RR block swap I am doing that I finished off last week. I can't wait to get all my blocks back and turn them into a new quilt for Miss M's new big girl bed!
For those of you in Melbourne and Adelaide who read my blog - I would love some suggestions for some city markets to attend - I think its time to expand my little business into the city markets, which markets do you think would suit my goodies? Thanks : )

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #18 ~ In the Vegie Patch

Our vegie patch is going quite well at the moment
(although could do with a soil top up and some new mulch).
The lettuce has gone crazy, and we can't seem to eat it faster than what it is growing! Mum's chooks are doing quite well with the extra fresh lettuce in exchange for eggs : )

Peas which are probably almost ready to be picked!

And the potatoes are also doing quite nicely and we are going to have a bumper crop of potatoes shortly (this is just one section of potatoes).

My wander about the local markets today was fun with mum. We stopped by a couple of antique shops (although the favourite one was closed due to a family bereavement and wont reopen til early November). I picked up some old Golden books, homemade lamingtons and jelly cakes - who could resist!, and some fresh mandarins which the kids love!
One of the antique shops has around 10 - 15 old singer sewing machines in store, a huge variety from the old hand wheel sort to the plug in wall variety both with and without beautiful old cabinets. Very tempting . . .

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #17 ~ Old Photos

Nothing crafty today. I have been going through old photos and found this great shot from a road trip hubby I and took back home to meet his parents in Tasmania before we got married. This was on top of Mt Wellington - it was absolutely freezing!
I'm off to one of the local markets tomorrow with my mum to check out the antique shops that open up on a Sunday for this particular market. I don't have a stall at this one, but like to potter about on the odd occasion when hubby offers to have both the kids - as prams are a definite no go at the antique shops! Maybe I can find some bargains : )

Friday, October 16, 2009

Giveaway Winner!

Giveaway Winner Announcement Time!
Using the Random Number Generator thingy, the winner is comment number 45!
True Random Number Generator
Min: 1 Max: 48
Result: 45
Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations to;
Nic Wood said...
Im follow your blog, love your fabric covered butons, and dresses, and button bracelets LOL
October 16, 2009 9:56 AM
Congratulations Nic! Send me an email and I'll send you a special voucher code to use in the store to the value of $20 between now and Christmas Eve!
Thankyou everyone for entering the giveaway! Don't forget the other one that closes on the last day of October. I am still working on the prize, but its definitely going to be lots of handmade goodness and some little extra bits and pieces.

Blogtoberfest Day #16 ~ Madeit Five Friday Favourites

Here's some favourites for today from Madeit. Madeit has a new blog with a fantastic Christmas gift guide of all your favourite handmade goodies. Buy Australian handmade this Christmas!



I'll announce the winner of the Giveaway ending tonight either very late tonight or first thing tomorrow morning (Aussie time). There is still time to enter to win yourself a $20 gift voucher to my own madeit store.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #14 ~ A knitting day or not?

The weather here seems to be very unpredictable at the moment and today it feels like winter again with horrible winds and lots of rain. I thought about getting the wool out and making a start on something but got sidetracked by the internet and shopping for fabric.
So far I have only bought 24 yards, but really NEED more! I am just terrible at decision making and there is just too much gorgeous fabric on offer at the moment! And then I can't decide how much to buy of each designs, too little and I am sure to run out and wish I had more, too much and I am sure to not like and have it sitting in my stash growing old. I'll blog all my new pretties next week when they arrive.
Don't forget to enter my giveaways from previous blogtober posts, including the one that closed tomorrow night!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #14 ~ DQS Sneak Peak

I am working on my EB Dolls Quilt Swap (DQS) today. I have the quilt top finished and have cut out all my applique pieces and ironed them on this morning. Once the little ones are in bed for their sleep I am going to get busy sewing down all my appliques. This is just a little peak at one of my appliques pictures around the border of the quilt.
I am really looking forward to getting this little quilt finished and posted off by the end of the month - I just hope my recipient likes it : )

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pay it Forward - ONE spot left!

I still have one spot left for my Pay it Forward if anyone would like to put there hand up. I have some goodies packaged up and ready to post to my three recipients once I have the 3rd.

I will make a handmade gift for the first 3 interested people (please note I only have ONE spot left). I have 365 days to do it in…What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise!The catch is that you must participate as well: you must have a blog and before you leave your comment here, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going.(just cut and paste this one if you like!, which I did) ohhhhh, this should be interesting!

Carried over from my old blog HERE.
ETA - Thankyou to my final pay if forward person Bec. Bec, don't forget to post about the pay it forward on your blog, feel free to copy and paste my post and PIF button.
Becky, Kayscha & Bec - could you all please email me your postal addresses and I'll endeavour to post off your pressies before Christmas! Email addy over there on the left sidebar.
Vic - sorry you just missed out. Once Bec does up her post on her blog you could always join in over there : )

Blogtoberfest Day #13 ~ My Creative Space

I recently sold my business that I had be running from home for the past 3 years to focus on my new sewing adventures and also because 3 years of doing what I had been doing was long enough for me.

So I now have a huge room I can dedicate to my creativity, approx 4 x 4 metres which at this stage, this is how it is set up across one wall (all the rest of the room is empty).
My sewing machine on a dodgy little card table with a moutain load of WIP's and design ideas sitting on top of the filing cabinet And a trestle table housing my books, pattern, magazines, odds and bobs . . . and yes that is my ironing area on the right, lol - plus containers of fabrics underneath We are off on a family holiday in a few weeks to Adelaide to coincide with the Adelaide Quilt and Craft Fair and also to do a huge shop at Ikea. I have lots of items picked out to fit out my new sewing space including;
new storage for fabric
And a new table to house both my sewing machine and overlocker. This fantastic desk is 2 metres long and has a range of storage/leg options for each end.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #11 & 12 ~ List takers & a snappy start

I missed a day yesterday, whoops. Quite a few times I sat at the computer and clicked into my blog but couldn't really think of anything crafty to write about, so instead went for a drive to Spotlight while hubby watched the kids to see if I could find a bargain.
I picked up some pretty quilters cottons and cotton drill fabrics on sale plus some calico to make a start on a new project. I have been wanting to make some little list takers for my market stall but have been having trouble finding the size lists I actually want. Finally found them yesterday, some long skinny ones.

Anyway, here's is what I came up with yesterday, a very rough first go, but a handy little wallet to have in your bag with a list pad, pen and pocket for receipts/cards.
I also used my new snap press for the first time, what a fantastic invention!
Hopefully these little wallets are a hit at the next few markets!
Don't forget to enter my giveaways I have going at the moment here and here : )

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #10 ~ Store Stocked & an Extra Giveaway!

Unfortunately last nights market was a very quiet affair, most definitely the quietest market I have ever done. But, as a result I have lots of stock sitting here that I have just loaded up into my Madeit Shop.
So pop on over, tell me what your favourite item in the shop is and next Friday night i'll draw a winner for a $20 voucher to spend in store, valid until Christmas.
How can you get some extra entries into the draw? 1. Become a follower of the blog if you aren't already, 2. Become a fan of my facebook page - the link is over there on the left and 3. Blog about this on your own blog. Please leave a seperate comment for each extra entry so that I can just do the random number thingy to get a winner.
Good luck everyone!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day #9 ~ Five Friday Favourites

Here's 5 of my favourites for today from Each picture has the store name listed underneath and if you click on the store name the link will take you directly to the item listing.
Madeit have recently set up a new BLOG and are creating some fabulous gift wish lists for Christmas, showcasing some of their favourites for Christmas presents.
Vision Handbags

I'll be heading off shortly for tonights market, I hope to see lots of my local blog readers there : )