
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mathilda's Market Wrap Up!

Wow, what a weekend! I am totally exhausted, but had a absolutely amazing time in Adelaide being a part of my first Mathilda's and Adelaide's first Mathilda's markets!
I think mum and I were totally unprepared by how big a crowd would turn out, mum bought a newspaper to read that morning and it was left untouched as were our stomachs as we didn't even get a chance for lunch! I managed just one very quick loo break all morning! Sales totally passed all expectations and I have to say a HUGE THANKYOU to all those that came and commented, bought and chatted with me at my stand about my products - everyone had such lovely kind words on my products and I am so pleased with how it all went. I also had quite a few new wholesale enquiries from stores around Adelaide which will be followed up in the coming weeks so stayed tuned for for more on that!
I also got to meet in person some lovely fellow bloggers and sewers from Adelaide, so thankyou to Natalie, Nic and Candice for stopping by the stall and introducing yourselves - it was lovely to meet you in real life. And also fellow madeit seller Caryn from Smooch Designs who didn't have a stall, but stopped by and introduced herself with her two gorgeous little boys.
Some quick pics of my stall I took before the crowd were allowed in - they were waiting patienty at the doors well before 9am!

And some purchases I managed to make on a very quick run around the other stalls towards the end of the market. The gorgeous little doll is from Lysia at Sassilu and Miss M hasn't let her go since I got home. The cute little nonite owl is from Mardie at little luv and is Master T's little teddy's new pillow at bedtime, so cute! And some super gorgeous hair clippies that I couldn't resist from Kathryn at Pink Apple - I will definitely have to get more, beautifully made and it was hard to only come home with just these ones!

It was a very long day with driving all the way home after the markets, but mum and I made it back home by 7pm that night, right on bedtime for the kids and it was a bath and straight to bed for me ready for today's markets at Red Cliffs, which were surprising busy and another great market day.

I have also setup a newsletter service, so if you would like to signup for that, you can find the signup link over there in the left sidebar : )


  1. Wow, your stall looks fantastic.
    I'm glad you had a great day, you deserve it as your products are gorgeous.

  2. Congrats on a great outcome - your stall looks fantastic, and I'm so pleased for you that all your hard work paid off.
    Well done :-)

  3. How could you not do well? your products are fantastic! Congrats, your stall looks absolutely beautiful xo

  4. Congratulations, makes it so worth the effort when markets are a success. Well done & lucky you to have a mum who helps!! Love Posie

  5. It was great to meet you too Anna!! So happy to hear you had a wonderful day, but not surprised as your creations are all just gorgeous!

  6. Hi Anna, stall looks great! Great job too with only 5 weeks to go! I'm due April 10th, so as you say, must be almost the same day! Good luck and enjoy the last few weeks.


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )