
Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Creative Space

A late addition for my Winter 2010 Collection. Its a new design. Its for the girls. Its lovely and warm and snuggly perfect for wrapping around the shoulders . . . just give me another day or so to get a few more finished . . .

Lots to do, Easter Markets in 3 weeks time to get ready for - oh, and baby #3 due in just 5 weeks . . . or less : )
Check out lots more fabulous crafty creative spaces HERE!


  1. I'd like to see more of what looks like a beautiful woollen cape, what a great idea. Wouldn't mind one myself! xo

  2. Sounds like you're going to be super busy leading up to the arrival of the babe. Good luck.

  3. Love the trim fabric and yo-yo embellishment.

  4. Love wraps and capes and things. Gosh I wasn't anywhere near as productive when I was 8 months pregnant!

  5. Big work load there, strangely you get more productive the more children you have & bigger your business gets. Good luck & cute wrap, love Posie

  6. you are such an inspiration ... when my first child was born i could hardly tie my shoes laces (although that was a very long time ago) and here you are with a third due any minute and you're taking care of them, making stuff ... definitely an inspiration

  7. I really love your new wrap!!! they are going to go banannas as the weather cools.. Cheers Rachel


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