
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

EB Dolls Quilt Swap 2011 - Sneak Peak : )

Sneaking back into my blog, its been a while between posts, but I'm back and ready to blog again.

That stuff called time has been hard to come by these past few months, but I've done a little quilting these past few weeks in between the chaos of my little business that has grown these past 6 months in a way that I couldn't have imagined in such a short space of time, kinder runs and graduation day for Master T, dance classes for Miss M, the fast growing and into everything Master N and the dreaded housework, plus gardening, cubby house building, and of course markets markets markets! More on all this and more in coming blog posts!
A little spot of quilting has been achieved, I think the first time this year . . . and here's a peak, in the post tomorrow for the talented quilter that it is off too, I hope she loves it : )


  1. Gorgeous fabrics Anna! Love them

    I am sure the lucky recipient will love it!


  2. I really love the colours in this one. I am sure who-ever receives it will be very pleased. I can't wait to see the full reveal. Please make sure you come back and post the whole thing once your swap partner has received it.


Thankyou for dropping by to read my blog and leaving a comment, have a lovely day : )