
Thursday, December 1, 2011

{cubby house progress}

My hubby has been busy over the past few weekends building a fort/cubby house for the 3 little ones. And oh my goodness, he is doing very well! For someone with the use of only one good hand, he's gone from diesel mechanic to desk bound to cubby house builder extraordinaire!
Still a few finishing up jobs to go, like the roof - and then my job of 'fitting out' this monster play area for the kids with curtains, bunting, table and chairs and a kitchen according to Miss M!
More progress pics to come as Miss M & I make a decision on the curtain fabrics . . .


  1. Wow! That is awesome. Wish I had that in my backyard (actually wish I had two of that, one for me and one for my son)

  2. I love it!
    I am looking into a cubby house for the kids this year and this is a really really good one!


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