AJ has set the challenge - can it be done?! 12 Quilting WIP's to be completed in 2012. The rules are 6 projects must be already underway and the other 6 in the pipeline. Well, I definitely have 6 project underway but not quite 6 in the pipeline but I am sure I will add to that list in the coming weeks as I add more projects to my to-do list.
So I pulled out my tubs of WIP's and found 7 quilting projects on the go that I hadn't completed. And yes I do say TUBS of WIP's as I have a few things half done, just started and almost there - and not just quilting projects ; )
The list - 7 projects underway;
1. Cot size girls jelly roll quilt - front pieced, just needs sandwiching, quilting, binding.
2. Cot size boys quilt - blocks need sashing, then sandwiching, quilting, binding.
3. Pram size girls jelly roll quilt - front pieced, just needs sandwiching, quilting, binding.
4. Pram size girls Japanese Patchwork Quilt - just needs sandwiching, quilting, binding.
5. Small Oh Cherry quilt - everything done, binding half on, just needs to be sewn down on the back.
6. & 7. 2 x Quilted nappy change wallets (one boys & one girls) - ready to be sandwiched and quilted.
The list - projects in the pipeline;
8. Red quilt for couch in theatre room - fabrics coming via our Fat Quarter Birthday Swap (so June for me).
9. Quilt for Nate's big boy bed he is moving into around April - pattern chosen, need to add some more fabrics to my stash I already have for this one.
10. Quilt for Tom's big boy bed he is already in - pattern chosen, need more fabrics.
11. Quilt for Couch in Lounge room - already have the fabrics, pattern not yet decided but might just make it a scrappy type quilt.
12. Pram Quilt for friend's new baby boy (who is already two weeks old so need to get cracking on this one!) - pattern chosen, need fabrics.
I'll add photos of the projects shortly when I decide which one to do each month, including which one I am going to tackle first this year (which I think needs to be number 12!).