
Monday, August 31, 2009

A Successful Weekend!

Here's some photos of my stand from the weekend. I had a corner spot in a big marquee - at first I wasn't real happy with being stuck in the corner, but found that I didn't have anyone next to me so took full advantage of that and took up two spots! It was good to really spread myself out as a lot of my customers had prams and it became quite congested at times! lol All in all a very successful weekend with lots of returning customers and quite a few new ones. I sold nearly ALL my dresses - quite amazed really considering the weather on the first day was shocking and the second day was good in the morning only before it got cold and glumy again in the afternoon. Sorry about the photos being a bit dark, thankfully I had a window spot, otherwise I would have needed some lights around my stand.

Thankyou everyone for all the lovely comments you are leaving. Now that I have sold my other business I am hoping to get this little business going to continue to be able to be a WAHM.
I am supposed to have another market this Sunday but may need to cancel that as I have a wholesale order to get done this week for a little boutique in Brisbane - more on that when I am finished sewing for them and have their order in the post! Very exciting!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ready Set Show!

Just a quick post - LOTS of photos - of a peak at just some of the goodies I will have on offer this weekend at the 2 day Wentworth Ag Show. I am looking forward to taking all my tables and displays out this afternoon to set up and out there very early tomorrow morning to set up everything else. Lovely weather here today - just hoping the rain stays away for the weekend - this show is known for having it rain every year!

Fabric Button Bracelets

Pony tail holders

Coin Purses

Nappy Wallets

Tilda Skirts
Yoyo Button Clippies

Pram Quilt & Quilted Nappy Change Wallet Set

More Quilts

Tilda Dresses
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and hope to see some of my blog readers at the Show!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

EB Dolls Quilts Swap 2009 - favourites

Just a starter of some of my favourite dolls quilts for my partner for the EB Dolls Quilt Swap 2009. I will keep adding more when I get some time to have a better look through flickr.

Here's is the link to my favourites list in flickr for bigger pictures and to find out who made these;

I was just reading Becky's blog with her favourites for the swap and we seem to have the same taste! All the pics she has posted I love as well!

Far Far Away Giveaway!

Corrie over at retromummy is having a giveaway of some of Heather Ross's new fabric collection 'Far Far Away'! Pop on over to visit Corrie for your chance to win!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Its been quiet . . .

too quiet really here on the blog!
I have been so busy the last few weeks, LOTS has been happening and life seems to just be flying by. I have seriously neglected my EB sewing / quilting buddies - sorry girls, I'll be back online next week again I promise! I have been busy busy sewing and quilting away making up as much as I can for the 2 day Show this weekend I am having a stand at. I can't wait to get out there Friday and get set up. Only have a few more skirts to finish off and a couple of quilts to bind for that.
We have also had some fantastic news this week with the sale of my other business - very exciting and wonderful - this means I can hopefully get sewing/quilting LOTS more - especially in order to full-fill a few wholesale orders that are coming in . . . more on that next week!
Have to leave it there, but will post later in the week with some pics of all my goodies I am taking to the show!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Madeit Recipe-zine out now!

Get you copy of Madeit's first edition Recipe-zine that has just been released!
Featuring a 16 page full colour recipe-zine showing off 35 Madeit sellers favourite recipes including starters, mains, deserts and more - and at just $6 - what a bargain!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WIP Wednesday

Its been a busy week! And, it's only going to get busier! I spent today doing fabric button ponytail sets and single giant button ponytail holders. These are for the upcoming Agricultural Show I am having a stand at at the end of the month. Its a two day show so am just about empting my stash of fabric making as much as I can of everything - if it goes well, then that's great - I get to buy more fabric, lol! If not, then I will have a huge pile of goodies to load up into my shops and I might even have a sale . . .
Some dresses I finished off yesterday - thought my collection I had needed a little pink added to it so sort out these beautiful Amy Butler prints . . .
Some more dresses cut out and ready to sew . . .
And this gorgeous fabric I picked up last week from Corrie over at Retro Mummy. It is the most gorgeous Japanese patchwork fabric that I just had to get a couple of metres of each - plans at this stage are to turn out a few pram blankets, but that may change . . .

I still need to sort out how I am going to set up my stand at the show - I have a 3m x 3m block and need to work out the best way to space out 2 - 3 trestle tables and probably 3 racks for clothes/quilts. Any suggestions to how to show off the hair accessories would be greatful - I usually just have them piled in shallow baskets, but maybe was thinking a big peg board? Might see what I can find on flickr . . .

Hope you are all having a great week :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Giveaway Winner!

Just a quick post to say congrats to the winner of my 'Monday Mention' giveaway. I did that random number thingy (still don't know how to link the picture to my posts), but I put in the numbers 1 to 11 and came up with 11!
So congrats to;
Shan said...
i love your blog and read it nearly every day thank you for inspiring me
August 6, 2009 2:40 PM
Shan - please pop me an email (email addy over on the sidebar) with your name/address details and i'll pop in the post over the weekend for you!
Thanks everyone for stopping by and reading my blog, I truly do love hearing all your comments : )

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Off to England!

Now wouldn't that be nice! But no . . . I'm not off to England. This little quilt that I finished off last night is though. I finished off the FMQ'ing through the week and the hand binding last night while watching the tv. It is for a little man called Morris. I hope they like it!
And some new fabric covered button hair elastics that i have just listed in my Madeit Shop - I got loads of the most gorgeous Japanese small print fabrics in the post this week - too cute!

Blog Award!

Melinda over at HereWeGoLoopyLou has passed on this lovely blog award to me. Melinda recently featured me on her blog for the Monday Mention and makes the most beautiful fabric cards and other accessories for her Etsy and Madeit Stores.

To accept this award, I have to tell you 7 things about myself and pass it on to however many lovely bloggers I want to!


1. I was born in a VERY small country town in South-West Victoria were we owned a sheep and cattle property. I've had my share of living in the city but I am a country girl at heart and will always be!
2. I used to work in the gold mines in Kalgoorlie, WA as a heavy machine operator before I got pregnant with Master T. I drove those great big 120 tonne dump trucks carting gold, as well as operating loaders, water tankers and graders!
3. I have a sweet tooth and much eat some form or chocolate or lolly every day! lol
4. I would love to travel overseas, but I am afraid to fly! Maybe one day when hubby and I are old and grey - I would love to travel through Europe, just as a start!
5. I hate buying new clothes and rarely ever do. I do a LOT of internet shopping or my mum buys me the occassional top! I live in my jeans and boots most days (and of course something on top)!
6. I would love to have another baby but that subject is still under negotiation with hubby ; )
7. My husband and I (sort of) eloped when we got married. Flew both sets of parents to the location and told them the day before they were here for a wedding and that we were expecting a baby - nothing like a shock for them all!

Now to pass this award on to some blogs I love to stop by;
1. Becky - - sewing, quilting, more.
2. Leah - - vintage chenille gorgeousness.
3. Lisa - - sewing, a little quilting, wall buttons, more.
4. Esther - - beautiful quilts.
5. Amy - - sewing and nappy making mama - weepantz!
If you want to play along you do this (remember, only if you want to)
: Post the logo of this blog love token: Thank and link to the person who passed it on to you
: List seven things about you
: Pass the token on to other bloggers (and leave comments on their blogs to let them know they have been loved).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bloomin' Beautiful

First up a few pics of Miss M, the ever reliable model showing of the new design of 'Tilda' dress - i love this Amy Butler fabric . . .
and also this Starlings fabric by Alexander Henry - just too cute!

And now, a new release for summer - available in my stores from mid September if all goes well. These are for the girls, some gorgeous vintage stlye bloomer shorts, these are just too cute. The fit is also very flexible lasting easily for a couple of summers.
Also great for the cloth bum bubbas!

And don't forget the giveaway below - I'll draw a winner Friday : )

Monday, August 3, 2009

A special mention & a giveaway!

Today I am being featured on Melinda's blog here as part of her weekly 'Monday Mention'. She is doing the most wonderful thing by helping out those new to the handmade selling world with this special feature on her blog every Monday - you really need to go back through her old posts to see some of the other fabulous artists, crafters, jewellery designers and sewers she has featured! So in honour of this special mention I am having a GIVEWAY!!!
All you need to do is leave a post here - and please do pop over to Melinda's fantastic blog and check out this great feature she is doing as well as checking out her own ETSY and Madeit Shops, she makes the most beautiful cards!
What's the giveway?

This selection of handmade goodies which include; a crayon roll, two different hair pony & pin sets, a set of quilter coasters, coin purse and some vintage book gift tags.

Thankyou for supporting Australian handmade and have a happy happy day!