I haven't had a lot of time to sew for my two lately, but today it took me just 30 minutes including cutting out time to whip up this little set for Miss M - who has become very photogenic and quite the little poser in the last few weeks, lol. Just a shortened version of my gypsy dress in one fabric for the top and some basic bloomer shorts without the elastic cuff I usually do. This fabric by Sanae is left over from the EB Dolls Quilt Swap I did a few weeks ago, silly me bought a full half yard set to do a dolls quilt, lol - I still have plenty left!
And another order of dresses that were posted off to MissChief Maker in Canberra this morning, including a small selection of Tilda dresses which Katie hasn't stocked in the store before, more of these ones coming to the store again next week - back to the sewing machine for me! Hopefully Australia Post co-operates and Katie has these available at her shop for the weekend!
She looks gorgeous, I must take a pic of grace in her new tillytom dress she has been wearing it and I love it!