I have so much I NEED to do right now that I have piles of half started stuff everyone in my sewing room and the mess is driving me mad! I have 4 weeks left to get myself ready for Mathilda's Markets in Adelaide in March. I don't really have a clue how much stock I should be taking but I am guessing a LOT! And then I have no idea how I am going to set up as the stall space is MUCH smaller than I am used to. I do have a plan stuck on the wall of how many of everything I would like to take - which includes 100 dresses! Being that it will be the ending of summer and I will be releasing my new winter collection that same week I am planning to take 3 of my summer styles and 4 new winter syles of dresses -
so far I have 16 dresses finished and 30 cut out and ready to sew . . .
and then there is everything else to make . . .

So my creative space today involves one slightly frazzled mummy needed a good kick start of some serious motivation to continue on sewing and crafting - oh, this baby is making sure of that giving me plenty of kicks and nudges! 30 weeks today, where has that time gone!
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